Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Happy New Year

Wow! What a start to the New Year. I hope that this update finds you and your family safe and warm during the start of the New Year!
Here is a much belated update as to what is happening here at Maple Creek and the classroom.
First and foremost, the weather. Due to the unpredictability of the weather, I had reminded the children on Monday to make sure to layer up/double up on their clothing as at times we may go out. The only time we will NOT be going out is when we have an extreme cold weather alert. Also, I mentioned to the children that they can bring in a plastic bag of clothes that they can change into in case of an emergency (wet socks, pants, shoes etc.). In the past, this was quite handy as the children who did get wet, were not sitting in wet clothes throughout the day especially with many parents who are not able to leave work or home to provide dry clothing. The clothing will be stored in our cupboard at the back of the classroom.

Speaking of clothing, please remember we are doing the Bag2School fundraiser. Bring your bags to the office in the morning as they will be glad to collect it from you. Also, please note Friday morning is the last day to bring your bags in!

Your child received a handout regarding milk and pizza order forms. The milk order is due on Thursday, January 16th, and the pizza order is due on Monday, January 13th.
Just as a reminder, on Friday, January 17th, there will be a P.A. day.


In language we have been looking at point of view. The children had a lot of fun with this unit especially with two picture books we used.


Here are the samples of the students work: 

 and...The Day the Crayons Quit.


We are currently finishing up our understanding of elapsed time and moving on to linear measurement. During this mini-unit we have been using clocks and number lines to help us understand and find the answer to problems given. Most of the students found using number lines really helped them. However, I suggest that the students continue to practice telling the time. I will provide at the bottom some additional websites to practice this.

Science/Social Studies

We are currently reviewing our science (Habitat & Communities) that we began as we had to put it on hold. We had been working very hard on our Canada's project, and had listened to the children's presentations during the last week of school.
For Habitat & Communities, the big idea the children will be looking at is "How do changes to habitats affect plants and animals?" We will be exploring this idea in science and during our literacy block. 


This link to learning site provides an exhaustive list of habitat & communities sites to look at:

Mrs. Sauder

Friday, November 08, 2013


This past week, we have been studying and understanding what Remembrance Day is. We have done a few activities such as:
a) read a variety of texts - poetry (In Flanders Field), lyrics (A Pittance of Time)
b) identified the purpose of reading the texts
c) used comprehension strategies (activate prior knowledge - what do you know of Remembrance Day, use visualization to clarify details - In Flanders Field
d) extend understanding of texts by connecting ideas to their own knowledge, experience and insights, to other familiar texts, and to the world around them.
e) identify the topic, purpose, and audience for a type of writing form (postcard to veterans).
f) produced a media text (poster that explains what Remembrance Day is)

During our guided reading session, many children asked interesting questions and we as a small group discusses our thoughts and opinions based on what we read. For example, "Did women fight in the war?", "Why did the war happen?", or "Who were the countries that were fighting in the war?". I have to admit, at times, I just didn't have the answers. I encouraged the children to look into these things at home. When time permits, I often allow them to search on the Internet to allow them to inquire further into what they are wondering...

Here are some pictures of the activities that they worked on:
Letter to Veterans
Poster for Remembrance Day assembly

We will be having a math test on Monday, November 11th. They have been notified of this since Wednesday and I have handed out a study sheet for them to help them prepare for the test. I have included the same information below:

Number Sense and Numeration
Monday, November 11, 2013
       a)      Sketch the numbers given in blocks
b)      Write in numbers and words in both standard and expanded form:

Standard in numbers: 1133
Standard in words: one thousand one hundred and thirty three
Expanded form in numbers:  1000+100+30+3
Expanded form in words: 1 thousands + 1 hundreds+ 3 tens +3 ones
c)       Rounding numbers given to the nearest  thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones


Thousands = 1000

Hundreds = 1100

Tens = 1130

Ones = 113

d)      Compare Numbers given:  1133>1103

e)      Order numbers from the greatest to the least, or the least to the greatest.

f)       Create the greatest number and least number possible with digits given.

1,9,4,8  = greatest number would be 9841 (this is the greatest because in the thousands column the number 9 is the greatest, in the hundreds column, the 8 is the next biggest number etc.)

                = least number would be 1489 (this is the least because in the thousands column, the number 1 is the smallest number in the digits given, then the 4 in the hundreds column etc.)

Please note that your child received a blue form/slip indicating the date and time for your parent interviews this afternoon. Unfortunately I was not able to accommodate all requested time. The time and date was based on first come first serve when your child brought their forms back to school. If you are unable to attend the date and time given, please contact me either through phone or a note in an agenda and we can arrange another time or a telephone interview. Thank you for your understanding!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Sauder


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Time to catch up...

It was absolutely wonderful to have met so many parents on the Meet The Teacher night. The barbecue was a success and the children were proud to show off their classroom!

We have currently been working on a few activities over the last couple of weeks. Below, I have listed them for you, but first, a few reminders/notices of upcoming events at our school.


Friday, October 25 - Photo Day!
Thursday, October 31 - Dance-A-Thon: Thank you to those of you who donated money! Your child will be receiving tickets to place in a draw for prizes! Please don't forget, the orange form for the dance-a-thon must be signed in order to participate.

Another big thank you to the families that donated canned food for the Me to We club, "We Scare Hunger". Our little pile is growing!

Green Bins: We recently had little green bins installed in our classroom and so far we can see quite a difference in the garbage! Great work Grade 4s!

Due to the unpredictability of the weather, please ensure that your child has a pair of indoor shoes to change into. Sometimes, we get a little mud on our shoes and it makes it difficult to keep the classroom clean throughout the day. Thank you!

Curriculum update:

Language: We have been working in our guided reading sessions. We currently have been reviewing how to summarize our readings and learning about the Canadian Shield as one of the 7 Physical Regions that ties in with our social studies. Also, we have continued to work on our summary writing. They wrote their first summary in which they received a grade for. I have encouraged the children to keep their writing in the classroom because they will have a chance to write two more. By keeping their  graded writing in the classroom, they are encouraged to refer to it while writing the second and third summary. This will allow them to see where it is they can improve their writing.

Math: Number Sense and Numeration has been our focus in the last couple of weeks. Instead of traditional textbook and notebook activities, the children worked on their assignments in centres. There were 5 centres and 5 groups. The children learned specifically about place value, rounding and comparing and ordering numbers. They have enjoyed this very much. This week, we will continue with our centres, ensuring our understanding of rounding and expanded and standard numbers are strong.
For rounding: please check out This is a great website for your child to continue practicing rounding.

Social Studies: The children have been placed in groups and are researching the 7 Physical Regions of Canada. Here, they are learning: the provinces and territories found in the particular regions, the landform (what the land looks like), resources found in the physical regions and the industry. In each group they are given books and netbooks to continue their research.

Art: In art, we have been practicing, working on creating 3D portraits of gourds. The results varied as the children were encouraged to draw with their eyes and not what they was hard!

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Where did September go?

We have been incredibly busy this month, getting settled into the classroom with new routines and expectations, reviewing many math, reading and writing concepts and reviewing safety procedures in the classroom and outside. The children have been hard at work!

In math, we are currently wrapping up our patterning unit and will be writing a test on Thursday, October 3rd. For this test, your child will be expected to do the following:

  1. Look at a pattern with shapes and be able to describe what the attributes are and how it changes.
  2. Recognize and draw a pattern that can be described by a letter model. 
  3. A number pattern will be given. A pattern rule needs to be written as well as the next three numbers. 
  4. A T-chart will be given as the students will need to complete and describe the pattern rule. 
  5. Two numbers will be given. The students will need to continue to create a pattern two times. Each pattern needs to be different.   (i.e., 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 The pattern starts at 5 and increases by 5 each time.   5, 10, 20, 35, 55, 80 The pattern starts at 5 and increases by a different amount each time. 
  6. A problem solving question will be given. The students will need to use strategies taught and drawing pictures to solve the problem. 
Please note: Overall Expectation that will be covered is: describe, extend,and create a variety of numeric and geometric patterns, make predictions related to the patterns. 

Your child will be given a handout/study sheet on Monday in preparation for their test. 

In Reading we are learning how to summarize a text given. We have been using a summary graphic organizer (somebody, wanted, but, so, then) to help us understand our reading. Currently we read Stellaluna. After modelling how to summarize, the children were grouped in pairs to work together creating their summary. They have enjoyed the opportunity to discuss, share, confirm and question their activity with a partner. Gradually they will begin working independently once they have understood how summary helps readers understand a text.

Please note: Specific Expectation that is being covered is: Demonstrating Understanding
1.4 demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts by summarizing important ideas and citing supporting details (e.g., make an outline of a section from a textbook in another subject to prepare for a test).

In Writing we are learning how organize the main idea and supporting details in a text. We have been using the same text as we have with our reading. Therefore, it is a combined lesson. 

Please note: Specific expectation that is being covered is: identify and order main ideas and supporting details and group them into units that could be used to develop a summary, using a variety of graphic organizers (e.g., a Venn diagram, a para- graph frame) and organizational patterns (e.g., generalization with supporting information, cause and effect). 

Here are some dates to remember! 

Tuesday, October 1st - Bus Safety Program
Thursday, October 3rd - Patterning Test
Wednesday, October 9th - Meet the Teacher/Barbecue
Friday, October 11th - P.A.Day

Have a wonderful week! I look forward to meeting everyone on October 9th! 

Mrs. Sauder 

Monday, September 02, 2013


It is truly incredible as to how our summers tend to fly by faster each year. With this, I ensured that I spent as much time as I could with my family. We spent many days visiting friends and families, travelling to cottages, hanging out at the beach and of course, hanging around the house enjoying our swimming pool. Now, it's time to get ready for September. With this, I have chosen to use this blog as a way to communicate to you of all the wonderful things that will be happening in the classroom. You will have access to this at any time and, you will be informed of the events happening in the school.
I look forward to this year and getting to know the children in Grade 4!

Mrs. Sauder

Friday, May 10, 2013

A few reminders...

This Monday, your child will be participating in the JungleSport activity at 8:20-9:10. They will also have an opportunity to go again on Friday at 8:20-9:10. They are really looking forward to this and I can't wait to take pictures to share on the blog! For those students who will not be attending will go to the library during that time.

Please don't forget the forms for Medieval Times. We are very excited and cannot wait for this event to occur! Only 8 days left until we go!

Also, Track and Field tryouts will occur on the 29th of May. The rain date for this event will be on the 30th. For this day, your child needs the following:
a) sunscreen
b) hat
c) proper running shoes
d) water
More information will be provided closer to the date.

T'is the season of allergies! Due to the warm weather and the spurt in the growth of plants, trees, and grass, we have experience some runny noses and watery eyes in this classroom. I ask if you could donate a box of kleenex to the class to help us throughout the day.

We are currently looking at linear measurement (cm, m, mm, dm) and time. We will be focusing on how to tell the time and elapsed time.

Here are a few links to help your child at home with understanding elapsed time:

Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

Mrs. Sauder

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April Update

I am hoping that this week we will continue to have seasonal weather! It is a nice change having gone from -1•C  to 14•C when I left my house this morning! With the warmer weather that we have been receiving, comes rain. And with rain, we are getting muddy shoes and clothes in the portable. I have asked the students to please bring extra pants, socks and shoes to school and to leave it in a labelled plastic bag. This way, if they get wet or fall in the mud, they already have spare clothes ready as many of you may not be able to get away from work to help them. Also, it is highly recommended that your child wear rubber boots to school. At present, there is a fence that has been erected mostly in the tarmac area in preparation for renovations. This has decreased the space for children to play and therefore some children may get into the grass/mud area. For this reason, I ask that your child wear rubber boots on rainy/damp days.

Field Trip - On Thursday, May 23 all Grade 4's students will be attending Medieval Times located downtown Toronto. The bus will take us at approximately 8:45am. We will be back on time for the afternoon dismissal. This is a truly wonderful field trip and I know the children are all looking forward to it! On the form, please indicate whether or not your child is a vegetarian.

JungleSport - During the week of May 13-17th, JungleSport will be coming to Maple Creek. This is an outdoor adventure that is brought indoor in the school's gym. They will experience, swinging vines, rock climbing, rickety bridges, snaky ladders, zip lines, giant swings etc. During this experience, the children are required to wear the provided safety equipments; helmet and harness. For further details, please see their website: Please don't forget to bring back the signed consent form and $6 for your child to participate. 

Jump Rope for Heart - Students will be participating in Jump Rope for Heart this year and the date for this event is yet to be determined. Please note, your child need to have the envelope SIGNED in order to participate. If they do not bring the signed envelope back, they will not be participating. 

Friday, April 18th - Math Test
Your child will be writing a multiplication/division test. This week we have been reviewing the strategies used to answer multiplication and division facts. They will need to know: 

a) Find the result and explain what they did. 

i.e., Use 4x6 = 24 to find 24 ÷ 6. 4x6 is a member of the same fact family, from which you can tell 24÷6 = 4

b) Check a division equation by multiplying and correct any errors that may be found. 

c) Create an array of a given number. Write the fact family for each array. 

An array is an object that is arranged in the shape of a rectangle. 

4x6, 6x4, 24÷6=4, 24÷4=6

* * * *
* * * * 
* * * * 
* * * * 
* * * * 
* * * *  

d) 2 problem solving questions. This will determining if your child is able to use a strategy taught to help solve a question and understanding how it is being used to solve the problem. 

e) Understanding the term quotient and determining the which is smaller in a given number sentence. 

Quotient - the result when you divide. 

Thank you, 

Mrs. Sauder