Classroom News

Monday, September 9, 2012

*Science: Students need to finish up their worksheets (factors that affects habitats) and is due on Wednesday. Please note students will be given an opportunity to work on it during morning or lunch recess on Tuesday. 

All news, all the time!

This is where you will find any news items about what is going on around our classroom, as well as reminders and extra information about things you read on our school homepage. Check back often - there's usually lots going on!

Back to School SuppliesFor those of you checking our site already, here's are some ideas for back to school supplies. You really don't need many items, actually! Most students enjoy having nice pens (like gel pens) and markers - we have some in our classroom, but you can imagine how quickly the supply is depleted! We keep a bin of lined, loose-leaf paper for duotangs for students to use as they need it (any donations are appreciated!). That way, students don't have stacks of paper getting smushed in their desks. While kids really like the fancy zippered binders, I find they turn into a black hole, and they are too big to store in desks or bins in the classroom. We supply duotangs and notebooks for all of their subject areas. You may want to provide them with a doodling book or sketchpad, or a journal-type notebook (but not necessary). If your child wishes to have his/her own scissors, erasers, glue sticks, mini-staplers, or pencil sharpeners, that's great. Again, we have all of those things in our classroom, but many kids enjoy having their own. I would ask that pencil sharpeners not be the noisy, electric kind (and actually, the old-fashioned turn-the-pencil-yourself kind tend to give the best and sharpest points). As for lunch bags, many people are now using the 2-section type, making it easy to see what's for snack and what's for lunch. Our portable is climate-controlled, so it doesn't get nearly as hot as it does in the school, but you'd probably still want to pop in an ice pack to keep things fresh. Water bottles are encouraged, since we do not have easy access to fountains and we have no sink or water supply in the portable, but please keep it to water as opposed to sticky juices or flavour powders.