Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Rocks and Persuasions

As I was driving home today, I heard on the radio that the Alberta Clipper is heading our way...I love a good snowy day to cuddle up under a blanket with a good book. For this weekend, perhaps your child would be interested in checking out some of these websites for reading...

I will continue to post other reading sites over the next few days.

Here is what we have been doing in class...

We have continued with Guided Reading. In place our Critical Thinking, we are going to be working on a mini-novel study focusing on Characters. In this Paper Bag Character Study, your child is encouraged to choose and read a book that has a rich, memorable character. They will be designing all sides of the paper bag and inside they will add 10 items that will associate with their character. The items may symbolize the character, something the character wants, an item that changed the character or the plot. Your child received a worksheet for their instructions, planning, and rubric. I will post pictures once they have completed this assignment.
I do want to mention that this activity was created and designed by a teacher, Jennifer Runde, who has incredible resources to support any literacy and math lessons. (I had discovered her on Pinterest and have been following her since...what a fabulous site Pinterest is!).

For writing, we are beginning to understand and write a persuasive text. We have begun to understand the value of talking in groups to help us come up with reasons when supporting an argument. Together, as a class, we learned what persuasion is, we discussed where we have seen a persuasive text, and then discussed a issue that holds close to their heart...the lack of...GYM TIME. They discussed, provided 3 reasons why we need more gym time and supported their argument with fact and reasons...Today, they discussed whether or not Maple Creek Public School should wear uniforms...Very interesting discussions there!

We have completed our Number Sense & Numeration (place value, compare and order numbers, rounding) and have begun 3D Geometry. We identified and classified the shapes and reviewed the number of faces, edges and vertices. To support their learning, today the children created their shapes using marshmellows and toothpicks/straws...yes...they actually created it and didn't eat it (they could at the end of the lesson).

Currently we are studying Rocks and Minerals. I have included several pictures here and I will explain the unit...I really enjoy teaching this unit!

In this Rock and Minerals unit, the children are using the background knowledge that had been taught to explore the question: How does surface mining affect society and the environment. We will be looking very closely at the Melancthon Township - Mega Quarry issues. (This issue hits close to home for me as I live in this area). I really want the children to come up with their own conclusion, whether the impact of surface mining has a positive or negative affect to society and the environment. They will have a choice on how they will present their own conclusion.

Birch Tree Art...Beautiful piece of work the children created....(Thanks to Pinterest!).

Safe travels tomorrow and be sure to listen to the news in the morning for any potential bus cancellations.

Have a wonderful rest of the week!

Mrs. Sauder