First, I wish everyone a safe and happy Easter holiday. We shall see you back here in school on Tuesday, April 2nd.
Below, you will find all the wonderful things we have been doing in the class and what we are currently working on:
We are currently studying the elements of a graphic novel. In our guided reading group we are looking at how a graphic novel differs from non-fiction and fiction text. For example, in a graphic novel, we must look for and understand symbolisms, the meaning of colours used to represent each panel, different types of balloons and boxes used and characters emotions used to express themselves in each panel. Since there are a limited amount of text used in graphic novels, the reader must be able to "read" the visuals inside each panel to fully understand the story.
So far, the children have been enjoying this and look forward to our meeting each day.
We have finished writing our persuasive text and have moved on this week to procedural writing. This week they have been shown how to use the graphic organizer that was created in order to support their writing. Tomorrow, they will receive their first rough draft with feedback to ensure that they have followed the success criteria as posted below:Having started this, the children were encouraged to choose a subject/topic that they are most familiar with. For example, as a class we looked at how there are different ways of making popcorn. We chose one way, a way in which I was most familiar with. I explained that since I was familiar with my method of making popcorn, I will write about it. There were different topics they chose and they were: How to play soccer, How to host a party, How to play dodgeball, etc.
Last week we began learning our multiplication table. I had told the children that they are to practice each night with their multiplication table as they are given a drill sheet every other day. At present, your child has worked on 3 multiplication drills. The first two drills were their one and two times tables. They were given 5 minutes to complete 100 questions. They did fantastically! Today, they were given the 3 times table with 8 minutes to complete...They continued to do amazingly and therefore for their 4 times table, we may do a 7 minute time limit on it! Not only have they been practicing their multiplication through drills, but also they have been reciting the 1 and 2 times table to me independently. Once a child has correctly completed their timetable, they received a sticker to mark their success. We will continue this right up to our 12 times table. The children are excited about this challenge and have constantly asked to cite their tables. They have also shared with me that they have downloaded apps and used particular websites to help them with their studies. I have encouraged the children to take their drill worksheets home to share with you.
Here are some sites that you can use to help your child continue with their multiplication tables:
There are many more sites that you can choose from and these are just suggestions. I was able to find these by using a google search. I have always been a fan of
We have begun to learn about lights and the big idea for the children to walk away with is:
Technological innovations involving light and sound have an impact on the environment. So far we understand the difference between natural and artificial light and yesterday we conducted an experiment of created a rainbow using a flashlight, water, and mirror. Today, we looked at how light travels (in a straight line).
In health we have started to learn and explore cyberbullying and online privacy. This is part of our Healthy Schools and Healthy Communities Unit. It was very interesting and quite an eye opener for me to see the number of children who believe that all websites are safe to visit and are private. This has certainly become a teaching point for me. They were surprised that this is not the case. Every Thursday, we have been focusing on our Health Unit and therefore tomorrow, we will look at Online Privacy.
Spring Basket Fundraiser
It is that time of the year again where we will be doing the basket fundraiser here at Maple Creek. As a class, we have decided that we would like to do an "Outdoor Activity" Basket. We are waiting to be approved first, and once we have, I will let you know. We will compose a list of items that will fit nicely to our theme and basket.
Have a wonderful Easter Holiday,
Mrs. Sauder