Sunday, September 29, 2013

Where did September go?

We have been incredibly busy this month, getting settled into the classroom with new routines and expectations, reviewing many math, reading and writing concepts and reviewing safety procedures in the classroom and outside. The children have been hard at work!

In math, we are currently wrapping up our patterning unit and will be writing a test on Thursday, October 3rd. For this test, your child will be expected to do the following:

  1. Look at a pattern with shapes and be able to describe what the attributes are and how it changes.
  2. Recognize and draw a pattern that can be described by a letter model. 
  3. A number pattern will be given. A pattern rule needs to be written as well as the next three numbers. 
  4. A T-chart will be given as the students will need to complete and describe the pattern rule. 
  5. Two numbers will be given. The students will need to continue to create a pattern two times. Each pattern needs to be different.   (i.e., 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 The pattern starts at 5 and increases by 5 each time.   5, 10, 20, 35, 55, 80 The pattern starts at 5 and increases by a different amount each time. 
  6. A problem solving question will be given. The students will need to use strategies taught and drawing pictures to solve the problem. 
Please note: Overall Expectation that will be covered is: describe, extend,and create a variety of numeric and geometric patterns, make predictions related to the patterns. 

Your child will be given a handout/study sheet on Monday in preparation for their test. 

In Reading we are learning how to summarize a text given. We have been using a summary graphic organizer (somebody, wanted, but, so, then) to help us understand our reading. Currently we read Stellaluna. After modelling how to summarize, the children were grouped in pairs to work together creating their summary. They have enjoyed the opportunity to discuss, share, confirm and question their activity with a partner. Gradually they will begin working independently once they have understood how summary helps readers understand a text.

Please note: Specific Expectation that is being covered is: Demonstrating Understanding
1.4 demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts by summarizing important ideas and citing supporting details (e.g., make an outline of a section from a textbook in another subject to prepare for a test).

In Writing we are learning how organize the main idea and supporting details in a text. We have been using the same text as we have with our reading. Therefore, it is a combined lesson. 

Please note: Specific expectation that is being covered is: identify and order main ideas and supporting details and group them into units that could be used to develop a summary, using a variety of graphic organizers (e.g., a Venn diagram, a para- graph frame) and organizational patterns (e.g., generalization with supporting information, cause and effect). 

Here are some dates to remember! 

Tuesday, October 1st - Bus Safety Program
Thursday, October 3rd - Patterning Test
Wednesday, October 9th - Meet the Teacher/Barbecue
Friday, October 11th - P.A.Day

Have a wonderful week! I look forward to meeting everyone on October 9th! 

Mrs. Sauder 

Monday, September 02, 2013


It is truly incredible as to how our summers tend to fly by faster each year. With this, I ensured that I spent as much time as I could with my family. We spent many days visiting friends and families, travelling to cottages, hanging out at the beach and of course, hanging around the house enjoying our swimming pool. Now, it's time to get ready for September. With this, I have chosen to use this blog as a way to communicate to you of all the wonderful things that will be happening in the classroom. You will have access to this at any time and, you will be informed of the events happening in the school.
I look forward to this year and getting to know the children in Grade 4!

Mrs. Sauder