Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Happy New Year

Wow! What a start to the New Year. I hope that this update finds you and your family safe and warm during the start of the New Year!
Here is a much belated update as to what is happening here at Maple Creek and the classroom.
First and foremost, the weather. Due to the unpredictability of the weather, I had reminded the children on Monday to make sure to layer up/double up on their clothing as at times we may go out. The only time we will NOT be going out is when we have an extreme cold weather alert. Also, I mentioned to the children that they can bring in a plastic bag of clothes that they can change into in case of an emergency (wet socks, pants, shoes etc.). In the past, this was quite handy as the children who did get wet, were not sitting in wet clothes throughout the day especially with many parents who are not able to leave work or home to provide dry clothing. The clothing will be stored in our cupboard at the back of the classroom.

Speaking of clothing, please remember we are doing the Bag2School fundraiser. Bring your bags to the office in the morning as they will be glad to collect it from you. Also, please note Friday morning is the last day to bring your bags in!

Your child received a handout regarding milk and pizza order forms. The milk order is due on Thursday, January 16th, and the pizza order is due on Monday, January 13th.
Just as a reminder, on Friday, January 17th, there will be a P.A. day.


In language we have been looking at point of view. The children had a lot of fun with this unit especially with two picture books we used.


Here are the samples of the students work: 

 and...The Day the Crayons Quit.


We are currently finishing up our understanding of elapsed time and moving on to linear measurement. During this mini-unit we have been using clocks and number lines to help us understand and find the answer to problems given. Most of the students found using number lines really helped them. However, I suggest that the students continue to practice telling the time. I will provide at the bottom some additional websites to practice this.

Science/Social Studies

We are currently reviewing our science (Habitat & Communities) that we began as we had to put it on hold. We had been working very hard on our Canada's project, and had listened to the children's presentations during the last week of school.
For Habitat & Communities, the big idea the children will be looking at is "How do changes to habitats affect plants and animals?" We will be exploring this idea in science and during our literacy block. 


This link to learning site provides an exhaustive list of habitat & communities sites to look at:

Mrs. Sauder