Between viruses on computer, and plowing through November, we are up and running again! Below, you will find an update as to what we have been doing in class so far.
But first, I wish to extend my Wishes to those families who celebrate Diwali! Happy Diwali to you all!
In language we have been focusing on our writing, using power bubble writing. This is a graphic organizer that helps us to organize our thoughts when we are writing. This method has been used from primary grades right up to University/College grades. It's effective and helpful to all children and I have seen significant improvement in everyone's writing. We will continue to use this throughout the school year.
Power Writing Bubble
Next, in math, we have begun Data Management. We are learning how to collect data effectively and ask questions effectively. For example, we have been looking at questions such as what summer activities do you do in the summer time, and making sure we are asking the question effectively. For example, through observations, some children were asking, what is your favourite summer sport? Some activities listed were not sports. So, this is a great starting point in making sure that what we are reading and what we are asking are the same thing. Also, using our success criterias, we are making sure that our graphs are set up properly, labels, correct scale, title, evenly spaced categories and bars.
To take the next step, the children yesterday learned how to create a double bar graph. Taking the information we collected from the question, "What is your favourite sport to play?" the children received a colour coded card to answer it (pink for girls and blue for boys). We created a bar graph using the entire class's information. Then, we sorted the information from boys to girls.
Next, I modelled how to create the information using double bars.
The children copied this into their notebooks.
On Monday, we will continue to practice this! They actually showed interest in doing this!
This week many families celebrated Diwali. We read and learned about Diwali and how it is a celebration of light. The children who celebrate Diwali shared that their favourite part of their celebration is the fireworks. So, we created a little firework show in our classroom! (Not literally!)
The display is stunning and I cannot wait for you to see it when you come to visit this week for our Parent Interviews!
Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing you all this week!
Mrs. Sauder