Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Wet Soggy Day!

Family of ducks
I hope this post find everyone safe, dry and warm at home this evening! We couldn't believe how much rain received today! So much so, that at lunch time we realized we had a family of ducks visiting in the school yard! It may be hard to see, but it's below the seagull, over to the left!

a) Please send in the form package that needs to be signed.
b) Duo-tangs or binders for subject areas...Please see last post for specifics.
c) For French, please also provide a binder or duo-tang for your child.
d) Markers for classroom art.
e) Please check over your child's verification forms. Please make changes. If no changes are needed, please still sign it and bring it in.
f) Pizza form for Meet the Creature...I mean, Teacher night :)

Some children has been asking, I will be handing out Scholastic sometime this week. When ordering from Scholastic, please make sure you check for the Ontario pricing and that a check is written instead of cash.

Have a warm and dry evening everyone!

Mrs. Sauder