Sunday, September 09, 2012

First Week Down!

Morning view from Room 502
What an incredibly busy week it had been! It had been an exciting but definitely an exhausting one! Between setting up routines at home and at school, there didn't seem to be enough time during the day and night to relax! This week, the children were able to experience just about all of their subjects and met their music teacher, Ms. Maidenberg and their French teacher, Mdm Ricci. They loved it! 
Next week, we will be visiting the library for a quick orientation with Mrs. Buchanan. Already, the children have been asking when we would be visiting, and I'm glad to tell them on Monday that we will be visiting during the week. A specific time has not yet been established just yet. 
On Friday morning, we had an assembly with the Junior and Intermediate grades discussing the rules and expectations within the school and the portables. Some of the discussion that were brought up were:
* No entry in the portables during recess time.
* Cell phones MUST be turned OFF at all time...students are to use the office phones if they need to call home.
* Students must have a clothes pin/clip from a teacher to gain entry in the school during recess time.
* Students need to review the dress code found in the York Region District School Board handbook. 
* If you are dropping off a lunch, please make sure you drop it off at the OFFICE. We don't want any children running to the parking lot and back to the portable as it is too dangerous.

Here is a sneak peek at some of the things we have been doing in the class. 

Letter writing with All About Me Graphic Organizer

What are all the things we know in math? A group reflection mindmap

Optical Illusion art project...

We have also started Habitats and Communities for Science and Canada for Social Studies. Hence, it has been a BUSY four days! 

We have been in a need of duo-tangs!!! Please, if you can, your child need 1 of each...a yellow duo-tang, dark blue duo-tang, red duo-tang and a green duo-tang. This will greatly help the organization of your child's work. We are experiencing a shortage of this and it will be greatly appreciated if your child can get this next week. Thank you!!!!

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